University Church of Christ

UCC Abilene Logo

Did you know that you can make a secure, online gift using a checking account? Gifts made by using a bank draft, also known as ACH, have lower processing fees and allow your contribution to go even further in our community and across the world.

To make a gift using your checking account, click on the drop down field labeled "by Credit/Debit card" and then select "by ACH Bank Transfer".

Prefer to give via check? You may drop a check by the church office or mail it to: University Church of Christ, 733 E.N. 16th, Abilene, TX 79601.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Jill in the church office at (325) 673-6497. Thank you for your generous support of University Church of Christ!


Thanks for your gift! We've successfully received your contribution and deeply appreciate your generosity.

Almost Done...

In order to verify that you own this bank account, we'll make two small deposits in it and send an email requesting confirmation on their amounts. This email should appear within 3-4 business days and will be sent to . No action will be taken until this account is verified.


Thanks for your gift! We've successfully received your contribution and deeply appreciate your generosity.
